48 V Voltage range
24 V - 36 / 48 / 54 V - 60 V
12 V Voltage range
8 V - 14 V - 16 V
Max. power
Buck: 2.5 kW (178 A); Boost: 2 kW (41 A)
Communication type
CAN communication
Activation type
Over-temperature protection range
248℉ (120℃)
Precharge time
Once pre-charge instruction is received, the 48 V side busbar capacitor voltage is expanded from 12 V to 48 V in 150 ms.
Working temperature range
1. At temperature below -4℉ (-20℃), the output is turned off.
2. At temperature between 104℉ - 140℉ (40℃ - 60℃), full
power output is reached.
3. At temperature between 140℉ - 185℉ (60℃ - 85℃), it
provides a linearly reduced output of 2,500 W-0 W.
4. At temperature above 185℉ (85℃), output is turned off.
Protection rating
< 6.6 lbs (3 kg)
9.4 x 6.9 x 3.0 inch (238 x 175 x 75 mm)
All data are based on RoyPow standard test procedures. Actual performance may vary according to local conditions
DC-DC converter
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